Legal Notices
Project Funding and Disclaimer
This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-22-GK-04852-NRCW awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed on this site or in any materials on this site, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.
Project Purpose and Partners
The Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence: A National Resource Center project offers information on the Internet for the benefit of those interested in providing effective workplace responses to victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, dating violence and stalking. The Workplaces Respond project is a partnership of Futures Without Violence (formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund), Legal Momentum, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape and its National Sexual Violence Resource Center, National Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project (RSP) of the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault, American Bar Association Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence, Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence, Victim Rights Law Center and the Stalking Resource Center: A Program of The National Center for Victims of Crime.
Disclaimer of Legal Advice and Practice of Law
Workplaces Respond makes available this website and the information and services contained herein for educational and informational purposes only in an effort to assist employers and labor unions to formulate and provide workplace responses to domestic and sexual violence. This website is not intended to provide, nor should anyone consider that it provides, legal advice. Nothing in this website constitutes the practice of law and should not be relied upon as such. Legal advice is dependent upon the specific circumstances of each situation and upon the law in specific jurisdictions. Do not rely on legal information without consulting an attorney licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction.
While Workplaces Respond makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information, it does not guarantee the completeness, efficacy, accuracy, or timeliness of materials. Legal information in particular can change rapidly and will vary in application and interpretation in different jurisdictions. Workplaces Respond and its partners expressly disclaim liability for injury or damages of any kind arising out of use, misuse, or reliance on any information contained herein; for any errors or omissions of information contained on this website or its products, or for any information accessed via links to other websites. (see also detailed legal disclaimers in Terms of Use).
Project Tools and Products Provided for Information and Education Only
Tools, guides, fact sheets and other products on this site provide only general information; they do not constitute or supplant legal advice or consist of the practice of law and should not be used or relied upon as such. Legal advice is dependent upon the specific circumstances of each situation and upon the law in specific jurisdictions. Do not rely on legal information without consulting an attorney licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction.
Terms of Use
Use of this site,, and all pages in this domain, constitutes acceptance of the Workplaces Respond Legal Notices and Terms of Use.
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