Federal Workers & Workplaces

Technical Assistance for Federal Agencies in Developing Frameworks to Promote Safe Workplaces
Workplaces Respond regularly works with U.S. federal agencies to build resilient workplace communities that can both recover from incidents of violence and better support workers who experience domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, and sexual harassment (DVSASSH) at home or on the job. Workplaces Respond has actively engaged with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and the U.S. Department of Justice, to review and offer best practices on policies and trainings to equip supervisors and coworkers with the tools to recognize, respond and refer to workplace violence.
A key element of a safer workplace is a comprehensive and trauma-informed prevention and response program to better support colleagues who have experienced domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, and sexual harassment – no matter where incidents may occur. Workplaces Respond is available to support federal agencies in supporting the safety of their workers. If you are a specific federal agency that would like to request this type of training or technical assistance, please visit our Technical Assistance page to submit a request.
Communities of Practice
- A Community of Practice is a working group focused on building and enhancing existing programs and policies in federal agencies to prevent and address DVSASH; identifying promising practices; identifying gaps and needs; and working collaboratively to develop new resources and best practices. In addition, the working group will receive technical expert assistance while also providing space for peer support for the creation of tangible deliverables to positively impact your agency.
- Meeting Dates and Topics
- March 25, 2025 – How to integrate DVSASH into existing processes, training and reporting systems
Policy Development
- Model Federal Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking (DVSAS)
- Federal Supervisors Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence
- Employer Guide to Safety Planning
- DVSASSH & Employment Sabotage
- Guide: How to Create an Education Program
- Protection Order Guide
- Model Documentation and Reporting Form
Stalking Resources
- Fact Sheet: Stalking & the Workplace
- These toolkits include resources that will help build capacity for federal employees and agencies to identify DVSASH, provide resources to coworkers and supervisees who are experiencing harm, and develop prevention materials for intra-agency education and training. Materials include:
- Information on raising awareness;
- An infographic with prevalence statistics;
- Tools to identify and respond to harmful behaviors;
- Links to resources, tips, model policies and trainings, and videos; and,
- Suggestions for creating trauma-informed workplaces.
- Stalking Toolkit 2025